For more info please visit my Google Scholar page and ResearchGate page
Journal Papers:
99. Wood M, McBride SK, Zhao X, Baldwin D, Cochran ES, Zhang X, Luco N, Lovreglio R, Cova T, 2025, Simulating Human Behavior Under Earthquake Early Warning, Heliyon, DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2025.e42060
98. Baghaei A, Lovreglio R , Feng Z , Paes D, Miller C, 2024, Gamification for air quality education: a systematic literature review, Building and Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2025.112526
97. Baghaei A, Lovreglio R , Feng Z , Paes D, 2024, Green Roof Energy Performance across Cfb/Oceanic Climates: Simulating Climate Change and Future Trends, Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, DOI: 10.32738/JEPPM-2024-0032
96. Li R, Wang X, Lovreglio R, Ding H; Wang Q, Chen J, Jiang E, Ma J, 2024, Influence of subsequent path and pressure on pedestrian route choice in emergency evacuations, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2024.130252
95. Naraghi N, Feng Z, Lovreglio R, Vishnupriya V, Wilkinson S, Baghaei A, 2024, Simulating and visualising indoor seismic damage: A systematic literature review, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104979
94. Domgue KI, Paes D, Feng Z, Mander S, Datoussaid S, Descamps T, Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, 2024, Video See-Through Augmented Reality Fire Safety Training: A Comparison with Virtual Reality and Video Training, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106714
93. Tong Y, Bode N, Haghani M, Lovreglio R, 2024, Exploring occupant exit choices during fire drills and false alarm evacuations in a library, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106708
92. Noumeur A, Mohd Tohir MZ, Lovreglio R, Md Said MS, Baharudin MR, Mohamed Yusoff H, 2024, A study of staff pre-evacuation behaviours in a Malaysian hotel, Fire and Materials, DOI:
91. Khorrami H, Feng Z, Paes D, Lovreglio R, 2024, Augmented Reality Applications for the Excavation Industry – Locating and Protecting Underground Utilitie, ASCE's Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, DOI: 10.1061/JPSEA2.PSENG-1652
90. Zhang X, Zhao X, Xu Y, Nilsson D, Lovreglio R, 2024, Situational-Aware Multi-Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network (SA-MGCRN) for Travel Demand Forecasting During Wildfires, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.104242
89. Shi D, Liu J, Ma J, Lovreglio R, Wang Q, Chen J, 2024, How Do Age Compositions Affect Pedestrian Dynamics on Stairways? Findings from Laboratory Experiments, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106623
88. Gong P, Lu Y, Lovreglio R, 2024, Applications and Effectiveness of Augmented Reality in Safety Training: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106624
87. Ronchi et al., 2024, Determinants of gaps in human behaviour in fire research, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-024-01625-6
86. Shipman A, Majumdar A, Boyce N, Lovreglio R, 2024, Movement behaviour of pedestrians in knife-based terrorist attacks: an experimental approach, Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2024.104790
85. Gong P, Lu Y, Lovreglio R, et al. 2024, Comparing the effectiveness of AR training and slide-based training: the case study of metro construction safety, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106561
84. Sun Y, Forrister A, Kuligowski E, Lovreglio R, Cova T, Zhao X, 2024, Social Vulnerabilities and Wildfire Evacuations: A Case Study of the 2019 Kincade Fire, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106557
83. Cova T, Sun Y, Zhao X, Liu Y, Kuligowski E, Janfeshanaraghi N, Lovreglio R, 2024, Destination unknown: Examining wildfire evacuee trips using GPS data, Journal of Transport Geography, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103863
82. Paes D, Feng Z, King M., Shad H, Sasikumar P, Pujoni, D, Lovreglio, R, 2024, Optical see-through augmented reality fire safety training for building occupants, Automation in Construction, DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2024.105371
81. Shipman A, Majumdar M, Feng Z, Lovreglio R, 2024, A quantitative comparison of virtual and physical experimental paradigms for the investigation of pedestrian responses in hostile emergencies, Scientific Reports - Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-55253-9
80. Yiu T, Sutrisna M, Lovreglio R, 2024, Special Issue of ‘The Use of Emerging Technologies to Enhance Construction Safety’, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106466
79. Shi D, Li X, Chen J, Wang Q, Lovreglio R, Ma J, 2024, Understanding Pedestrian Movement with Baggage on Stairway: Insights from Controlled Experiments, Travel Behaviour and Society, DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100754
78. Haghani M, Lovreglio R, Button M, Ronchi E, Kuligowski E, 2024, Human Behaviour in Fire: Knowledge foundation and temporal evolution, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2023.104085
77. Song L, Feng Z, Lovreglio R, Wang F, Yuan X, 2024, Comparing Productive Failure and Directive Instruction for Declarative Safety Knowledge Training Using Virtual Reality, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, DOI:
76. Parisi F, Ruggieri S, Lovreglio R, Fanti M, Uva G, 2024, On the use of mechanics-informed models to structural engineering systems: Application of graph neural networks for structural analysis, Structures, DOI: 10.1016/j.istruc.2023.105712
75. Forrister A, Kuligowski E, Sun Y, Yan X, Lovreglio R, Cova T, Zhao X, 2024, Analyzing Risk Perception, Evacuation Decision and Delay Time: A Case Study of the 2021 Marshall Fire in Colorado, Travel Behaviour and Society, DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2023.100729
74. Zhang W, Shi H, Zhao Y, Feng F, Lovreglio R, 2024, MMAF-Net: Multi-View Multi-Stage Adaptive Fusion for Multi-Sensor 3D Object Detection, Expert Systems with Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.122716
73. Scorgie D, Feng Z, Paes D, Parisi F, Yiu K, Lovreglio R, 2024 Virtual Reality for Safety Training: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106372
72. Lovreglio R, Wang X, Rain G, 2023, The UN Sustainable Development Goals and Fire Technology, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-023-01494-5
71. Santoro S, Lovreglio R, Totaro V, Camarda, D., Iacobellis, V., & Fratino, U., 2023, Community risk perception for flood management: a Structural Equation Modelling approach, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.104012
70. Parisi F, Feliciani C, Lovreglio R, 2023, What do we head for while exiting a room? A novel parametric distance map for pedestrian dynamic simulations, Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technol,ogies, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2023.104335
69. Haghani M, et al., 2023, A roadmap for the future of crowd safety research and practice: Introducing the Swiss Cheese Model of Crowd Safety and the imperative of a Vision Zero target, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106292
68. D'Amico A, Bernardini G, Lovreglio R, Quagliarini E, 2023, A Non-Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Game Application for Flood Safety Training, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103940
67. de Schot L, Nilsson D, Lovreglio R, Cunningham T, Till S, 2023, Exploring single-line walking in immersive virtual reality, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2023.103882
66. Bernardini G, Lovreglio R, Quagliarini E, D'orazio M, 2023, Can active and passive wayfinding systems support fire evacuation in buildings? Insights from a virtual reality-based experiment, Journal of Building Engineering, DOI:
65. Mander S, Alam F, Lovreglio R, Oii M, 2023, How to measure light pollution - a systematic review of methods and applications, Sustainable Cities and Society, DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2023.104465
64. Feng Z, Lovreglio R, Yiu T, Acosta D, Sun B, Li N, 2023, Immersive Virtual Reality Training for Excavation Safety and Hazard Identification, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, DOI: 10.1108/SASBE-10-2022-0235
63. Xu N, Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, Nilsson D, Zhao X, 2023, Predicting and Assessing Wildfire Evacuation Decision-Making Using Machine Learning: Findings from the 2019 Kincade Fire, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-023-01363-1
62. Lin J, Li N, Rao L, Lovreglio R, 2023, Individual wayfinding decisions under stress in indoor emergency situations: A theoretical framework and meta-analysis, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106063
61. Radman K, Jelodar M, Lovreglio R, Ghazizadeh E, Wilkinson S, 2022, Digital Technologies and Data-Driven Delay Management Process for Construction Projects, Frontiers in Built Environment, DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2022.1029586
60. Haghani M, Lovreglio R, 2022, Data-based tools can prevent crowd crushes, Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.adf5949
59. Khorrami H, Yiu T, Lovreglio R, Feng Z, 2022, State-of-the-art analysis of the integration of Augmented Reality with Construction technologies to improve construction safety, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, DOI: 10.1108/SASBE-07-2022-0151
58. Wu A, Yan X, Kuligowski E, Lovreglio R, Cova T, Xu Y, Zhao X, 2022, Wildfire Evacuation Decision Modeling Using GPS Data, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103373
57. Rafi M, Ahmed S, Lovreglio R, Dias C, 2022, Investigating a university library building evacuation in Pakistan during a semi announced fire drill, Fire and Materials, DOI: 10.1002/fam.3111
56. Xu, Y., Zhao, X., Lovreglio, R., Kuligowski, E., Nilsson, D., Cova, T. J., Yan, X. (2022), A Highway Vehicle Routing Dataset During the 2019 Kincade Fire Evacuation, Nature - Scientific Data, DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01731-6
55. Lovreglio R., Ngassa D, Rahouti A, Paes D, Feng Z, Shipman A, 2022, Prototyping and Testing a Virtual Reality Counterterrorism Serious Game for Active Shooting, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103283
54. Lovreglio, R., Dillie, E., Kuligowski, E., Rahouti, A., Haghani, M., 2022, Exit Choice in Built Environment Evacuation combining Immersive Virtual Reality and Discrete Choice Modelling, Automation in Construction, DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104452
53. Santoro, S., Totaro, V., Lovreglio, R., Camarda, D., Iacobellis, V., & Fratino, U. 2022. Risk perception and knowledge of protective measures for flood risk planning. The case study of Brindisi (Puglia region). Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2022.105791
52. Lovreglio, R., & Kuligowski, E. (2022). A pre-evacuation study using data from evacuation drills and false alarm evacuations in a university library. Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2022.103595
51. Zhao, X., Xu, Y., Lovreglio, R., Kuligowski, E., Nilsson, D., Cova, T. J., Yan, X. 2022. Estimating wildfire evacuation decision and departure timing using large-scale GPS data. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2022.103277
50. Ma L, Lovreglio R, Yi W, Yiu K, Shan M, 2022, Barriers and Strategies for Building Information Modelling Implementation: A comparative study between New Zealand and China, International Journal of Construction Management, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2022.2040076
49. Dias C, Abdullah M, Lovreglio R, Sachchithanantham S, Rekatheeban M, Sathyaprasad I, 2022, Exploring Home-to-School Trip Mode Choices in Kandy, Sri Lanka, Journal of Transport Geography, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103279
48. Kuligowski E, Zhao E, Lovreglio R, Xu N, Yang K, Westbury A, Nilsson D, Brown N, 2022, Modeling Evacuation Decisions in the 2019 Kincade fire in California, Safety Science, DOI 10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105541
47. Edrissi A, Lahoorpoor B, Lovreglio R, 2021, Simulating Metro Station Evacuation using Three Agent-based Exit Choice Models, Case Studies on Transport Policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.cstp.2021.06.011
46. Lovreglio R, Thompson P, Feng Z, 2021, Automation in Fire Safety Engineering using BIM and Generative Design, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-021-01153-7
45. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, Dias C, Kuligowski E, Gai G, La Mendola S, 2021, Investigating office buildings evacuations using unannounced fire drills: the case study of CERN, Switzerland, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103403
44. Spearpoint M, Lovreglio R, Gwynne S, 2021, The Response of Sleeping Adults to Smoke Alarm Signals in the Evacuation Decision Model, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103379
43. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, Datoussaid S, Descamps T, 2021, Prototyping and Validating a Non-Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Game for Healthcare Fire Safety Training, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-021-01098-x
42. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, Nilsson D, Kuligowski E, Jackson P, Rothas F, 2021, Investigating Evacuation Behaviour in Retirement Facilities: Case Studies from New Zealand, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-020-01058-x
41. Song X and Lovreglio R, 2021, Investigating Personalized Exit Choice Behavior in Fire Accidents Using the Hierarchical Bayes Estimator of the Random Coefficient Logit Model, Analytic Methods in Accident Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.amar.2020.100140
40. Ballerini L et al., 2020, Quantitative Measurements of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces in the Brain are Associated with Retinal Microvascular Parameters in Older Community-Dwelling Subjects, Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, DOI: 10.1016/j.cccb.2020.100002
39. Kuligowski E, Walpole E. Lovreglio R, Mccaffrey S, 2020, Modeling Evacuation Decision-making in the 2016 Chimney Tops 2 Fire in Gatlinburg, TN Suggested running head: Modeling Evacuation Decision-making, International Journal of Wildland Fire, DOI: 10.1071/WF20038
38. Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, Walpole E, Link E, Gwynne S, 2020, Calibrating the Wildfire Decision Model using Hybrid Choice Modelling, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101770
37. Feng Z, Gonzalez V, Trotter M, Spearpoint M, Thomas J, Ellis D, Lovreglio R, 2020, How people make decisions during earthquakes and post-earthquake evacuation: Using Verbal Protocol Analysis in Immersive Virtual Reality, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104837
36. Ronchi E, Lovreglio R, 2020, EXPOSED: An occupant exposure model for confined spaces to retrofit crowd models during a pandemic, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104834
35. Feng Z, Gonzalez V, Amor R, Spearpoint M, Thomas J, Sacks R, Lovreglio R, Cabrera-Guerrerog G, , 2020, An Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Game to Enhance Earthquake Behavioral Responses and Post-earthquake Evacuation Preparedness in Buildings, Advanced Engineering Informatics, DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2020.101118
34. Lovreglio R, Duan X, Rahouti A, Phipps R, Nilsson D, 2020, Comparing the Effectiveness of Fire Extinguisher Virtual Reality and Video Training, Virtual Reality, DOI: 10.1007/s10055-020-00447-5
33. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, Gwynne S, Jackson P, Datoussaïd S, Hunt A, 2020, Human behaviour during a healthcare facility evacuation drills: Investigation of pre-evacuation and travel phases, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104754
32. Zhao X, Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, Nilsson D, 2020, Using Artificial Intelligence for Safe and Effective Wildfire Evacuations, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-020-00979-x
31. Lovreglio R, Kinateder M, 2020, Augmented Reality for Pedestrian Evacuation Research: Promises and Limitations, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104750
30. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, et al., 2020, Evacuation Data from a Hospital Outpatient Drill The Case Study of North Shore Hospital, Collective Dynamics, DOI: 10.17815/CD.2020.44
29. Zhao X, Lovreglio R, Nilsson D, 2020, Modelling and interpreting pre-evacuation decision-making using machine learning, Automation in Construction, DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2020.103140
28. Ballerini L, Booth T, Valdes M, Wuseman S, Lovreglio R, et al., 2020, Computational quantification of brain perivascular space morphologies: associations with vascular risk factors and white matter hyperintensities. A study in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936: Perivascular spaces associations, NeuroImage: Clinical, DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102120
27. Lovreglio R, Ronchi E, Kinsey M, 2019, An Online Survey of Pedestrian Evacuation Model Usage and Users, Fire Technology, DOI : 10.1007/s10694-019-00923-8
26. Dias C, Abdullah M, Sarvi M, Lovreglio R, Alhajyaseen W, 2019, Modeling and Simulation of Pedestrian Movement Planning Around Corners, Sustainability, DOI: 10.3390/su11195501
25. Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, Gwynne S, Strahan K, 2019, A modelling framework for householder decision-making for wildfire emergencies, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101274
24. Bernardini G, Lovreglio R, Quagliarini E, 2019, Proposing behavior-oriented strategies for earthquake emergency evacuation: A behavioral data analysis from New Zealand, Italy and Japan, Safety Science, Vol 116, Pages 295-309, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.03.023
23. Ronchi E, Mayorga D, Lovreglio R, Wahlqvist J, Nilsson D, 2019, Mobile-powered Head Mounted Displays vs Cave Automatic Virtual Environment experiments for evacuation research, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, DOI: 10.1002/cav.1873
22. Lovreglio R., Kuligowski E., Gwynne S., Boyce K., 2019, A Pre-Evacuation Database for Use in Egress Simulations, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2018.12.009
21. Lovreglio R., Spearpoint M., and Girault M, 2019, The Impact of Sampling Methods on Evacuation Model Convergence and Egress Time, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2018.12.015
20. Bosco D., Lovreglio R., Frassoldati A., Derudi M., Borghetti F., 2018, Queue formation and evacuation modeling in road tunnels, Chemincal Engineering Transactions, DOI: 10.3303/CET1867135
19. Lovreglio R., Gonzalez V., Feng Z., Amor R., Spearpoint M., Thomas J., Trotter M., and Sacks R., 2018, Prototyping Virtual Reality Serious Games for Earthquake Preparedness: the Auckland City Hospital Case Study, Advanced Engineering Informatics, DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2018.08.018
18. Feng Z., Gonzalez V., Amor R., Lovreglio R., et al., 2018, Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Games for Evacuation Training and Research: A Systematic Literature Review, Computers and Education, DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.09.002
17. Lovreglio R., Dias C., Song X., Ballerini L., 2018, Investigating Pedestrian Navigation in Indoor Open Space Environments Using Big Data, Applied Mathematical Modelling, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2018.06.014
16. Aleksandrov M., Rajabifard A., Kalantari M., Lovreglio R., Gonzalez V., People choice modelling for evacuation of tall buildings, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-018-0731-1
15. Dias C., Lovreglio R., 2018 Calibrating Cellular Automaton Models for Pedestrians Walking Through Corners, Physics Letters A, Vol 382:19, pp. 1255-1261 DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2018.03.022
14. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdés M., Ramirez J., MacIntosh B., Black S., and Wardlaw J., 2018, Perivascular Spaces Segmentation in Brain MRI Using Optimal 3D Filtering, Scientific Reports - Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19781-5
13. Gwynne S.M.V., Boyce K.E., Kuligowski E.D., Nilsson D., Robbins A., Lovreglio R., Roy-Poirier A. and Thomas J.R., 2017, Enhancing Egress Drills: Preparation and Assessment of Evacuee Performance, Fire and Materials, DOI: 10.1002/fam.2448
12. Olander J., Ronchi E., Lovreglio R., Nilsson D., 2017, Dissuasive exit signage for building fire evacuation, Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 59, pp. 84-93, DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.08.029
11. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdes Hernandez M. C., Gonzalez-Castro V., Munoz Maniega S., Pellegrini E., Bastin M. E., Deary I. J., Wardlaw J. M., Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 90, pp. 61-67, DOI: doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.011
10. Lovreglio R., Fonzone A., dell'Olio L., 2016, A Mixed Logit Model for Predicting Exit Choice during Building Evacuations, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 92, pp. 59-75, DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2016.06.018
9. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Maragkos G., Beji T., Merci B. 2016, A dynamic approach for the impact of a toxic gas dispersion hazard considering human behaviour and dispersion modelling, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 318, pp. 758–771, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.06.015
8. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2016, An Evacuation Decision Model based on perceived risk, social influence and behavioural uncertainty, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 66, pp. 226–242, DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2016.03.006
7. Lovreglio R., Fonzone A., dell'Olio L., Borri D., 2016, A Study of Herding Behaviour in Exit Choice during Emergencies based on Random Utility Theory, Safety Science, Vol. 82, pp. 421–431, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2015.10.015
6. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2015, A model of the decision-making process during pre-evacuation, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 78,
pp. 168–179, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2015.07.001
5. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2015, Calibrating Floor Field Cellular Automaton Models for Pedestrian Dynamics by Using Likelihood Function Optimization, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 438, pp. 308–320, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2015.06.040
4. Ronchi E., Nilsson D., Kojić K., Eriksson J., Lovreglio R., Modig H., Walter A., 2016, A Virtual Reality Experiment on Flashing Lights at Emergency Exit Portals for Road Tunnel Evacuation, Fire Technology, Vol. 52, Is. 3, pp. 623-647 , DOI: 10.1007/s10694-015-0462-5
3. Lovreglio R., Fonzone A., dell'Olio L., Borri D., Ibeas A., 2014, The Role of Herding Behaviour in Exit Choice During Evacuation, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 160, pp. 390-399, DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.151
2. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Borri D., 2014, The validation of evacuation simulation models through the analysis of behavioural uncertainty, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 131, pp. 166–174, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2014.07.007
1. Lovreglio R., Borri D., dell'Olio L., Ibeas A., 2014, A discrete choice model based on random utilities for exit choice in emergency evacuations, Safety Science, Vol. 62, pp. 418 - 426, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2013.10.004
Book Chapters:
7. Lovreglio R, Paes D, Feng Z, Zhao X, 2024, Digital Technologies for Fire Evacuations. In Intelligent Building Fire Safety and Smart Firefighting, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-48161-1_18
6. Sun Y, Zhao X, Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, 2024, AI for large-scale evacuation modeling: promises and challenges. In Interpretable Machine Learning for the Analysis Design Assessment and Informed Decision Making for Civil Infrastructure, Springer DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-824073-1.00014-9
5. Lovreglio, R., Borri, D., Ronchi, E., Fonzone, A., & dell’Olio, L.. 2022, The need for latent variables for modelling decision-making in evacuation simulations. In Economics and Engineering of Unpredictable Events (pp. 82-96). Routledge.
4. Ronchi, E., Nilsson, D., Lovreglio, R., Register, M., & Marshall, K., 2021, The Impact of Physical Distancing on the Evacuation of Crowds. In Crowd Dynamics, Volume 3 (pp. 133-156). Birkhäuser, Cham.
3. Ballerini, Lucia, et al. 2020, Retinal Biomarkers Discovery for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in an Older Population. Proceeding of the Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-52791-4_31
2. Lovreglio R., Dias C., Song X., Ballerini L., 2017, Towards Microscopic Calibration of Pedestrian Simulation Models using Open Trajectory Datasets: the Case Study of the Edinburgh Informatics Forum, Traffic and Granular Flow '17, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11440-4_25
1. Rahouti A., Lovreglio. R., et al., 2017, Simulating Assisted Evacuation using a Game Engine, Traffic and Granular Flow '17, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11440-4_30
Conference Papers:
33. Radman, K., Jelodar, M. B., Lovreglio, R., Wilkinson, S., & Ghazizadeh, E. 2022, Design and Analysis of the Real-Time Progress Tracking System: A Practical Case Study, CIB 2022, Melbourne, Australia
32. Naraghiaraghi N., Feng Z., Lovreglio R., Wilkinoson S., 2022, Combining BIM and VR for future earthquake damage assessment training tools, CIB 2022, Melbourne, Australia
31. Feng Z., Liu C, Gonzalez V, Lovreglio R., Nilsson D., 2022, Prototyping an immersive virtual reality training application for urban-scale evacuation using 360-degree panoramas, CIB 2022, Melbourne, Australia
30. Radman, K., Jelodar, M. B., Lovreglio, R., Wilkinson, S., & Ghazizadeh, E. 2022, . Real-Time Project Productivity Tracking System: Practical Case in Smart Construction Projects. 7th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium, Aucklnad NZ
29. Kuligowski E, Zhao X, Lovreglio R, Xu N, Yang K, Westbury A, Nilsson D, 2022, Evacuation Behaviour in Peri-urban Fires: A case study of the 2019 Kincade fire in California, US. IAWF Fire and Climate Conference, Melbourne, Australia
28. Zhao X., Kuligowski E., Lovreglio R, et al. 2021, Analyzing Wildfire Evacuation Behavior Using Big and Small Data: A Case Study of the 2019 Kincade Fire, 16th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit & 6th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Virtual Conference, Online
27. Kuligowski E, Wallpole E., Lovreglio R, 2021, Risk Perception and Evacuation Decisions in the 2016 Chimney Tops 2 fire in Gatlinburg, TN, 16th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit & 6th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Virtual Conference, Online
26. Santoro S, Totaro V, Lovreglio R, Camarda D, Iacobellis V,and Fratino U, 2021, An integrated approach for investigating flood risk perception inurban areas: some hints from the city of Brindisi (southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021
25. Kuligowski, E.D., Walpole, E.H., Lovreglio, R., & McCaffrey, S. 2020, Modeling Evacuation Decision-making in the 2016 Chimney Tops 2 Fire in Gatlinburg, TN, International Journal of Wildland Fire
24. Lovreglio R., 2020, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Human Behaviour in Disasters: A Review, Fire and Evacuation Modeling Technical Conference (FEMTC) 2020, Online
23. Lovreglio R., 2019, Virtual and augmented reality for human behaviour in disasters, 1st SACEE Conference, Karachi, Pakistan
22. Rehman A., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Zhang T., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Naismith N., Doan D., Tookey J., Lovreglio R., 2018, A Review: Harnessing Immersive Technologies Prowess for Autonomous Vehicles, 18th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR2018), Auckland, New Zealand
21. Bosco D., Lovreglio R., Frassoldati A., Derudi M., Borghetti F., 2018, Queue formation and evacuation modeling in road tunnels, CISAP 8, Milan, Italy
20. Rahouti A., Lovreglio R., Jackson P., Datoussaïd S., 2018, Evacuation Data from a Hospital Outpatient Drill: The Case Study of the North Shore Hospital, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2018, Lund, Sweden
19. Lovreglio, R., 2018, A Review of Augmented Reality Applications for Building Evacuation, 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE 2018, Tampere, Finland
18. Zhang T., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Naismith N., Rehman A., Lovreglio R., Doan D., Nwadigo O., Tookey J., 2018, Establishing a Knowledge-Base System (KBS) for Post-Construction Building Facility Maintenance, 4th NZAAR International Event Series on Natural and Built Environment, Cities, Sustainability and Advanced Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17. Zhang T., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Naismith N., Rehman A., Lovreglio R., Doan D., Nwadigo O., Tookey J., 2018, Developing an EEG-based Building Management System to Enhance Built Environment Accessibility for Disabled Users, 4th NZAAR International Event Series on Natural and Built Environment, Cities, Sustainability and Advanced Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
16. Lovreglio R., Claraidge E., Jackson P., 2017, The status quo of computer evacuation modelling in New Zealand, FireNZ 2017, Auckland, New Zealand
15. Ballerini L., McGrory S., Lovreglio R., et al., 2017, Quantitative Measurements of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces in the Brain are associated with Retinal Microvascular Parameters, International Conference on Medical Imaging Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2017), Edinburgh, UK
14. Lovreglio R., Gonzalez V., Amor R., Spearpoint M., Thomas J., Trotter M., and Sacks R., 2017, The Need for Enhancing Earthquake Evacuee Safety by Using Virtual Reality Serious Games, Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC3) 2017
13. Ballerini L., McGrory S., Lovreglio R., et al., 2017, Quantitative Measurements of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces in the Brain are associated with Retinal Microvascular Parameters, SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting, Glasgow, 2017
12. Rahouti A., Datoussaïd S., Lovreglio R., A sensitivity analysis of a hospital evacuation in case of fire: the impact of the percentage of people with reduced mobility and the staff to occupant’s ratio, Fire and Evacuation Modelling Technical Conference (FEMTC) 2016, Torremolinos, Spain, 16-18 November 2016
11. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdes Hernandez M. C., Gonzalez-Castro V., Munoz Maniega S., Pellegrini E., Bastin M. E., Deary I. J., Wardlaw J. M., Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces, CCACE Research Day, Edinburgh, UK, 6th September 2016
10. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdes Hernandez M. C., Gonzalez-Castro V., Munoz Maniega S., Pellegrini E., Bastin M. E., Deary I. J., Wardlaw J. M., Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces, 20th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2016), Loughborough, UK, 6-8 July 2016
9. Carattin E., Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2016, Affordance-Based Evaluation of Signage Design for Areas of Refuge, Interflam 2016, Nr Windsor, UK, 4-6 July 2016
8. Gwynne S.M.V., Boyce K.E., Kuligowski E.D., Nilsson D., Robbins A., Lovreglio R., 2016, Pros and Cons of Egress Drills, Interflam 2016, Nr Windsor, UK, 4-6 July 2016
7. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdes Hernandez M. C., Gonzalez-Castro V., Munoz Maniega S., Pellegrini E., Bastin M. E., Deary I. J., Wardlaw J. M., Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces, SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting, Stirling, UK, 17 June 2016
6. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2015, A Mixed-Ordered Approach to Investigate Correlations Among Different Affordances in Fire Evacuation, 6th Human Behaviour in Fire Symposium , Cambridge, UK
5. Lovreglio R., Borri D., Ronchi E., Fonzone A., dell'Olio, L., 2015, The need of latent variables for modelling decision-making in evacuation simulations, IX International Workshop on Planning and Evaluation, Bari, Italy, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4521.7684
4. Mayeux A., Lovreglio R., Saleh W., Fonzone A., 2015, Illegal pedestrian crossing at signalised junctions in urban areas: The impact of spatial factors, TRB 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1534.7520
3. Lovreglio R., 2014, Data-Collection Approaches for the Study of the Decision-Making Process in Fire Evacuations, 1st SCORE@POLIBA Workshop, Bari, Italy, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1853.0884
2. Lovreglio R., Fonzone A., dell'Olio L., Borri D., Ibeas A., 2014, The Role of Herding Behaviour in Exit Choice During Evacuation, 11th Transport Engineering Conference (CIT 2014) , Santander, Spain, 9 -11 June 2014
1. Lovreglio R., Borri D., Dell’Olio L., Ibeas A., Camarda D, 2013 . Planning exit choices during emergency situations: A random-utility approach, 8th International Workshop on Planning and Evaluation, Groningen, Nederland, 13–15 March 2013
Lovreglio R., 2016, Modelling Decision-Making in Fire Evacuation based on the Random Utility Theory, PhD Thesis, Politecnico di Bari, Milan and Turin (Italy), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1695.5281/1
Lovreglio R., 2013, An integrated model for the optimization of tunnel design: the Condo' tunnel in the ring road of Lecce, Italy, Master Thesis, Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Lovreglio R., 2010, Characterization of a landslide collapse in the face of the rock (Maratea,PZ), Bachelor Thesis, Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Technical Reports:
Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Colonna P., Berloco B., 2012, Sensitivity analysis tools for road tunnel fire evacuation based on FDS+Evac, Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Articles for Public Engagement
Fonzone A., Lovreglio R., Modern buildings have an alarming flaw when people need to escape quickly, The Conversation, 10/03/2016 (link)
99. Wood M, McBride SK, Zhao X, Baldwin D, Cochran ES, Zhang X, Luco N, Lovreglio R, Cova T, 2025, Simulating Human Behavior Under Earthquake Early Warning, Heliyon, DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2025.e42060
98. Baghaei A, Lovreglio R , Feng Z , Paes D, Miller C, 2024, Gamification for air quality education: a systematic literature review, Building and Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2025.112526
97. Baghaei A, Lovreglio R , Feng Z , Paes D, 2024, Green Roof Energy Performance across Cfb/Oceanic Climates: Simulating Climate Change and Future Trends, Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, DOI: 10.32738/JEPPM-2024-0032
96. Li R, Wang X, Lovreglio R, Ding H; Wang Q, Chen J, Jiang E, Ma J, 2024, Influence of subsequent path and pressure on pedestrian route choice in emergency evacuations, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2024.130252
95. Naraghi N, Feng Z, Lovreglio R, Vishnupriya V, Wilkinson S, Baghaei A, 2024, Simulating and visualising indoor seismic damage: A systematic literature review, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104979
94. Domgue KI, Paes D, Feng Z, Mander S, Datoussaid S, Descamps T, Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, 2024, Video See-Through Augmented Reality Fire Safety Training: A Comparison with Virtual Reality and Video Training, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106714
93. Tong Y, Bode N, Haghani M, Lovreglio R, 2024, Exploring occupant exit choices during fire drills and false alarm evacuations in a library, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106708
92. Noumeur A, Mohd Tohir MZ, Lovreglio R, Md Said MS, Baharudin MR, Mohamed Yusoff H, 2024, A study of staff pre-evacuation behaviours in a Malaysian hotel, Fire and Materials, DOI:
91. Khorrami H, Feng Z, Paes D, Lovreglio R, 2024, Augmented Reality Applications for the Excavation Industry – Locating and Protecting Underground Utilitie, ASCE's Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, DOI: 10.1061/JPSEA2.PSENG-1652
90. Zhang X, Zhao X, Xu Y, Nilsson D, Lovreglio R, 2024, Situational-Aware Multi-Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network (SA-MGCRN) for Travel Demand Forecasting During Wildfires, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.104242
89. Shi D, Liu J, Ma J, Lovreglio R, Wang Q, Chen J, 2024, How Do Age Compositions Affect Pedestrian Dynamics on Stairways? Findings from Laboratory Experiments, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106623
88. Gong P, Lu Y, Lovreglio R, 2024, Applications and Effectiveness of Augmented Reality in Safety Training: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106624
87. Ronchi et al., 2024, Determinants of gaps in human behaviour in fire research, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-024-01625-6
86. Shipman A, Majumdar A, Boyce N, Lovreglio R, 2024, Movement behaviour of pedestrians in knife-based terrorist attacks: an experimental approach, Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2024.104790
85. Gong P, Lu Y, Lovreglio R, et al. 2024, Comparing the effectiveness of AR training and slide-based training: the case study of metro construction safety, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106561
84. Sun Y, Forrister A, Kuligowski E, Lovreglio R, Cova T, Zhao X, 2024, Social Vulnerabilities and Wildfire Evacuations: A Case Study of the 2019 Kincade Fire, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106557
83. Cova T, Sun Y, Zhao X, Liu Y, Kuligowski E, Janfeshanaraghi N, Lovreglio R, 2024, Destination unknown: Examining wildfire evacuee trips using GPS data, Journal of Transport Geography, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103863
82. Paes D, Feng Z, King M., Shad H, Sasikumar P, Pujoni, D, Lovreglio, R, 2024, Optical see-through augmented reality fire safety training for building occupants, Automation in Construction, DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2024.105371
81. Shipman A, Majumdar M, Feng Z, Lovreglio R, 2024, A quantitative comparison of virtual and physical experimental paradigms for the investigation of pedestrian responses in hostile emergencies, Scientific Reports - Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-55253-9
80. Yiu T, Sutrisna M, Lovreglio R, 2024, Special Issue of ‘The Use of Emerging Technologies to Enhance Construction Safety’, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106466
79. Shi D, Li X, Chen J, Wang Q, Lovreglio R, Ma J, 2024, Understanding Pedestrian Movement with Baggage on Stairway: Insights from Controlled Experiments, Travel Behaviour and Society, DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100754
78. Haghani M, Lovreglio R, Button M, Ronchi E, Kuligowski E, 2024, Human Behaviour in Fire: Knowledge foundation and temporal evolution, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2023.104085
77. Song L, Feng Z, Lovreglio R, Wang F, Yuan X, 2024, Comparing Productive Failure and Directive Instruction for Declarative Safety Knowledge Training Using Virtual Reality, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, DOI:
76. Parisi F, Ruggieri S, Lovreglio R, Fanti M, Uva G, 2024, On the use of mechanics-informed models to structural engineering systems: Application of graph neural networks for structural analysis, Structures, DOI: 10.1016/j.istruc.2023.105712
75. Forrister A, Kuligowski E, Sun Y, Yan X, Lovreglio R, Cova T, Zhao X, 2024, Analyzing Risk Perception, Evacuation Decision and Delay Time: A Case Study of the 2021 Marshall Fire in Colorado, Travel Behaviour and Society, DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2023.100729
74. Zhang W, Shi H, Zhao Y, Feng F, Lovreglio R, 2024, MMAF-Net: Multi-View Multi-Stage Adaptive Fusion for Multi-Sensor 3D Object Detection, Expert Systems with Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.122716
73. Scorgie D, Feng Z, Paes D, Parisi F, Yiu K, Lovreglio R, 2024 Virtual Reality for Safety Training: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106372
72. Lovreglio R, Wang X, Rain G, 2023, The UN Sustainable Development Goals and Fire Technology, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-023-01494-5
71. Santoro S, Lovreglio R, Totaro V, Camarda, D., Iacobellis, V., & Fratino, U., 2023, Community risk perception for flood management: a Structural Equation Modelling approach, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.104012
70. Parisi F, Feliciani C, Lovreglio R, 2023, What do we head for while exiting a room? A novel parametric distance map for pedestrian dynamic simulations, Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technol,ogies, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2023.104335
69. Haghani M, et al., 2023, A roadmap for the future of crowd safety research and practice: Introducing the Swiss Cheese Model of Crowd Safety and the imperative of a Vision Zero target, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106292
68. D'Amico A, Bernardini G, Lovreglio R, Quagliarini E, 2023, A Non-Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Game Application for Flood Safety Training, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103940
67. de Schot L, Nilsson D, Lovreglio R, Cunningham T, Till S, 2023, Exploring single-line walking in immersive virtual reality, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2023.103882
66. Bernardini G, Lovreglio R, Quagliarini E, D'orazio M, 2023, Can active and passive wayfinding systems support fire evacuation in buildings? Insights from a virtual reality-based experiment, Journal of Building Engineering, DOI:
65. Mander S, Alam F, Lovreglio R, Oii M, 2023, How to measure light pollution - a systematic review of methods and applications, Sustainable Cities and Society, DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2023.104465
64. Feng Z, Lovreglio R, Yiu T, Acosta D, Sun B, Li N, 2023, Immersive Virtual Reality Training for Excavation Safety and Hazard Identification, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, DOI: 10.1108/SASBE-10-2022-0235
63. Xu N, Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, Nilsson D, Zhao X, 2023, Predicting and Assessing Wildfire Evacuation Decision-Making Using Machine Learning: Findings from the 2019 Kincade Fire, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-023-01363-1
62. Lin J, Li N, Rao L, Lovreglio R, 2023, Individual wayfinding decisions under stress in indoor emergency situations: A theoretical framework and meta-analysis, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106063
61. Radman K, Jelodar M, Lovreglio R, Ghazizadeh E, Wilkinson S, 2022, Digital Technologies and Data-Driven Delay Management Process for Construction Projects, Frontiers in Built Environment, DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2022.1029586
60. Haghani M, Lovreglio R, 2022, Data-based tools can prevent crowd crushes, Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.adf5949
59. Khorrami H, Yiu T, Lovreglio R, Feng Z, 2022, State-of-the-art analysis of the integration of Augmented Reality with Construction technologies to improve construction safety, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, DOI: 10.1108/SASBE-07-2022-0151
58. Wu A, Yan X, Kuligowski E, Lovreglio R, Cova T, Xu Y, Zhao X, 2022, Wildfire Evacuation Decision Modeling Using GPS Data, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103373
57. Rafi M, Ahmed S, Lovreglio R, Dias C, 2022, Investigating a university library building evacuation in Pakistan during a semi announced fire drill, Fire and Materials, DOI: 10.1002/fam.3111
56. Xu, Y., Zhao, X., Lovreglio, R., Kuligowski, E., Nilsson, D., Cova, T. J., Yan, X. (2022), A Highway Vehicle Routing Dataset During the 2019 Kincade Fire Evacuation, Nature - Scientific Data, DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01731-6
55. Lovreglio R., Ngassa D, Rahouti A, Paes D, Feng Z, Shipman A, 2022, Prototyping and Testing a Virtual Reality Counterterrorism Serious Game for Active Shooting, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103283
54. Lovreglio, R., Dillie, E., Kuligowski, E., Rahouti, A., Haghani, M., 2022, Exit Choice in Built Environment Evacuation combining Immersive Virtual Reality and Discrete Choice Modelling, Automation in Construction, DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104452
53. Santoro, S., Totaro, V., Lovreglio, R., Camarda, D., Iacobellis, V., & Fratino, U. 2022. Risk perception and knowledge of protective measures for flood risk planning. The case study of Brindisi (Puglia region). Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2022.105791
52. Lovreglio, R., & Kuligowski, E. (2022). A pre-evacuation study using data from evacuation drills and false alarm evacuations in a university library. Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2022.103595
51. Zhao, X., Xu, Y., Lovreglio, R., Kuligowski, E., Nilsson, D., Cova, T. J., Yan, X. 2022. Estimating wildfire evacuation decision and departure timing using large-scale GPS data. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2022.103277
50. Ma L, Lovreglio R, Yi W, Yiu K, Shan M, 2022, Barriers and Strategies for Building Information Modelling Implementation: A comparative study between New Zealand and China, International Journal of Construction Management, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2022.2040076
49. Dias C, Abdullah M, Lovreglio R, Sachchithanantham S, Rekatheeban M, Sathyaprasad I, 2022, Exploring Home-to-School Trip Mode Choices in Kandy, Sri Lanka, Journal of Transport Geography, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103279
48. Kuligowski E, Zhao E, Lovreglio R, Xu N, Yang K, Westbury A, Nilsson D, Brown N, 2022, Modeling Evacuation Decisions in the 2019 Kincade fire in California, Safety Science, DOI 10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105541
47. Edrissi A, Lahoorpoor B, Lovreglio R, 2021, Simulating Metro Station Evacuation using Three Agent-based Exit Choice Models, Case Studies on Transport Policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.cstp.2021.06.011
46. Lovreglio R, Thompson P, Feng Z, 2021, Automation in Fire Safety Engineering using BIM and Generative Design, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-021-01153-7
45. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, Dias C, Kuligowski E, Gai G, La Mendola S, 2021, Investigating office buildings evacuations using unannounced fire drills: the case study of CERN, Switzerland, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103403
44. Spearpoint M, Lovreglio R, Gwynne S, 2021, The Response of Sleeping Adults to Smoke Alarm Signals in the Evacuation Decision Model, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103379
43. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, Datoussaid S, Descamps T, 2021, Prototyping and Validating a Non-Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Game for Healthcare Fire Safety Training, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-021-01098-x
42. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, Nilsson D, Kuligowski E, Jackson P, Rothas F, 2021, Investigating Evacuation Behaviour in Retirement Facilities: Case Studies from New Zealand, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-020-01058-x
41. Song X and Lovreglio R, 2021, Investigating Personalized Exit Choice Behavior in Fire Accidents Using the Hierarchical Bayes Estimator of the Random Coefficient Logit Model, Analytic Methods in Accident Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.amar.2020.100140
40. Ballerini L et al., 2020, Quantitative Measurements of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces in the Brain are Associated with Retinal Microvascular Parameters in Older Community-Dwelling Subjects, Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, DOI: 10.1016/j.cccb.2020.100002
39. Kuligowski E, Walpole E. Lovreglio R, Mccaffrey S, 2020, Modeling Evacuation Decision-making in the 2016 Chimney Tops 2 Fire in Gatlinburg, TN Suggested running head: Modeling Evacuation Decision-making, International Journal of Wildland Fire, DOI: 10.1071/WF20038
38. Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, Walpole E, Link E, Gwynne S, 2020, Calibrating the Wildfire Decision Model using Hybrid Choice Modelling, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101770
37. Feng Z, Gonzalez V, Trotter M, Spearpoint M, Thomas J, Ellis D, Lovreglio R, 2020, How people make decisions during earthquakes and post-earthquake evacuation: Using Verbal Protocol Analysis in Immersive Virtual Reality, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104837
36. Ronchi E, Lovreglio R, 2020, EXPOSED: An occupant exposure model for confined spaces to retrofit crowd models during a pandemic, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104834
35. Feng Z, Gonzalez V, Amor R, Spearpoint M, Thomas J, Sacks R, Lovreglio R, Cabrera-Guerrerog G, , 2020, An Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Game to Enhance Earthquake Behavioral Responses and Post-earthquake Evacuation Preparedness in Buildings, Advanced Engineering Informatics, DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2020.101118
34. Lovreglio R, Duan X, Rahouti A, Phipps R, Nilsson D, 2020, Comparing the Effectiveness of Fire Extinguisher Virtual Reality and Video Training, Virtual Reality, DOI: 10.1007/s10055-020-00447-5
33. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, Gwynne S, Jackson P, Datoussaïd S, Hunt A, 2020, Human behaviour during a healthcare facility evacuation drills: Investigation of pre-evacuation and travel phases, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104754
32. Zhao X, Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, Nilsson D, 2020, Using Artificial Intelligence for Safe and Effective Wildfire Evacuations, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-020-00979-x
31. Lovreglio R, Kinateder M, 2020, Augmented Reality for Pedestrian Evacuation Research: Promises and Limitations, Safety Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104750
30. Rahouti A, Lovreglio R, et al., 2020, Evacuation Data from a Hospital Outpatient Drill The Case Study of North Shore Hospital, Collective Dynamics, DOI: 10.17815/CD.2020.44
29. Zhao X, Lovreglio R, Nilsson D, 2020, Modelling and interpreting pre-evacuation decision-making using machine learning, Automation in Construction, DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2020.103140
28. Ballerini L, Booth T, Valdes M, Wuseman S, Lovreglio R, et al., 2020, Computational quantification of brain perivascular space morphologies: associations with vascular risk factors and white matter hyperintensities. A study in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936: Perivascular spaces associations, NeuroImage: Clinical, DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102120
27. Lovreglio R, Ronchi E, Kinsey M, 2019, An Online Survey of Pedestrian Evacuation Model Usage and Users, Fire Technology, DOI : 10.1007/s10694-019-00923-8
26. Dias C, Abdullah M, Sarvi M, Lovreglio R, Alhajyaseen W, 2019, Modeling and Simulation of Pedestrian Movement Planning Around Corners, Sustainability, DOI: 10.3390/su11195501
25. Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, Gwynne S, Strahan K, 2019, A modelling framework for householder decision-making for wildfire emergencies, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101274
24. Bernardini G, Lovreglio R, Quagliarini E, 2019, Proposing behavior-oriented strategies for earthquake emergency evacuation: A behavioral data analysis from New Zealand, Italy and Japan, Safety Science, Vol 116, Pages 295-309, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.03.023
23. Ronchi E, Mayorga D, Lovreglio R, Wahlqvist J, Nilsson D, 2019, Mobile-powered Head Mounted Displays vs Cave Automatic Virtual Environment experiments for evacuation research, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, DOI: 10.1002/cav.1873
22. Lovreglio R., Kuligowski E., Gwynne S., Boyce K., 2019, A Pre-Evacuation Database for Use in Egress Simulations, Fire Safety Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2018.12.009
21. Lovreglio R., Spearpoint M., and Girault M, 2019, The Impact of Sampling Methods on Evacuation Model Convergence and Egress Time, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2018.12.015
20. Bosco D., Lovreglio R., Frassoldati A., Derudi M., Borghetti F., 2018, Queue formation and evacuation modeling in road tunnels, Chemincal Engineering Transactions, DOI: 10.3303/CET1867135
19. Lovreglio R., Gonzalez V., Feng Z., Amor R., Spearpoint M., Thomas J., Trotter M., and Sacks R., 2018, Prototyping Virtual Reality Serious Games for Earthquake Preparedness: the Auckland City Hospital Case Study, Advanced Engineering Informatics, DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2018.08.018
18. Feng Z., Gonzalez V., Amor R., Lovreglio R., et al., 2018, Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Games for Evacuation Training and Research: A Systematic Literature Review, Computers and Education, DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.09.002
17. Lovreglio R., Dias C., Song X., Ballerini L., 2018, Investigating Pedestrian Navigation in Indoor Open Space Environments Using Big Data, Applied Mathematical Modelling, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2018.06.014
16. Aleksandrov M., Rajabifard A., Kalantari M., Lovreglio R., Gonzalez V., People choice modelling for evacuation of tall buildings, Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-018-0731-1
15. Dias C., Lovreglio R., 2018 Calibrating Cellular Automaton Models for Pedestrians Walking Through Corners, Physics Letters A, Vol 382:19, pp. 1255-1261 DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2018.03.022
14. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdés M., Ramirez J., MacIntosh B., Black S., and Wardlaw J., 2018, Perivascular Spaces Segmentation in Brain MRI Using Optimal 3D Filtering, Scientific Reports - Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19781-5
13. Gwynne S.M.V., Boyce K.E., Kuligowski E.D., Nilsson D., Robbins A., Lovreglio R., Roy-Poirier A. and Thomas J.R., 2017, Enhancing Egress Drills: Preparation and Assessment of Evacuee Performance, Fire and Materials, DOI: 10.1002/fam.2448
12. Olander J., Ronchi E., Lovreglio R., Nilsson D., 2017, Dissuasive exit signage for building fire evacuation, Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 59, pp. 84-93, DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.08.029
11. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdes Hernandez M. C., Gonzalez-Castro V., Munoz Maniega S., Pellegrini E., Bastin M. E., Deary I. J., Wardlaw J. M., Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 90, pp. 61-67, DOI: doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.011
10. Lovreglio R., Fonzone A., dell'Olio L., 2016, A Mixed Logit Model for Predicting Exit Choice during Building Evacuations, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 92, pp. 59-75, DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2016.06.018
9. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Maragkos G., Beji T., Merci B. 2016, A dynamic approach for the impact of a toxic gas dispersion hazard considering human behaviour and dispersion modelling, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 318, pp. 758–771, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.06.015
8. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2016, An Evacuation Decision Model based on perceived risk, social influence and behavioural uncertainty, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 66, pp. 226–242, DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2016.03.006
7. Lovreglio R., Fonzone A., dell'Olio L., Borri D., 2016, A Study of Herding Behaviour in Exit Choice during Emergencies based on Random Utility Theory, Safety Science, Vol. 82, pp. 421–431, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2015.10.015
6. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2015, A model of the decision-making process during pre-evacuation, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 78,
pp. 168–179, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2015.07.001
5. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2015, Calibrating Floor Field Cellular Automaton Models for Pedestrian Dynamics by Using Likelihood Function Optimization, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 438, pp. 308–320, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2015.06.040
4. Ronchi E., Nilsson D., Kojić K., Eriksson J., Lovreglio R., Modig H., Walter A., 2016, A Virtual Reality Experiment on Flashing Lights at Emergency Exit Portals for Road Tunnel Evacuation, Fire Technology, Vol. 52, Is. 3, pp. 623-647 , DOI: 10.1007/s10694-015-0462-5
3. Lovreglio R., Fonzone A., dell'Olio L., Borri D., Ibeas A., 2014, The Role of Herding Behaviour in Exit Choice During Evacuation, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 160, pp. 390-399, DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.151
2. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Borri D., 2014, The validation of evacuation simulation models through the analysis of behavioural uncertainty, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 131, pp. 166–174, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2014.07.007
1. Lovreglio R., Borri D., dell'Olio L., Ibeas A., 2014, A discrete choice model based on random utilities for exit choice in emergency evacuations, Safety Science, Vol. 62, pp. 418 - 426, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2013.10.004
Book Chapters:
7. Lovreglio R, Paes D, Feng Z, Zhao X, 2024, Digital Technologies for Fire Evacuations. In Intelligent Building Fire Safety and Smart Firefighting, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-48161-1_18
6. Sun Y, Zhao X, Lovreglio R, Kuligowski E, 2024, AI for large-scale evacuation modeling: promises and challenges. In Interpretable Machine Learning for the Analysis Design Assessment and Informed Decision Making for Civil Infrastructure, Springer DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-824073-1.00014-9
5. Lovreglio, R., Borri, D., Ronchi, E., Fonzone, A., & dell’Olio, L.. 2022, The need for latent variables for modelling decision-making in evacuation simulations. In Economics and Engineering of Unpredictable Events (pp. 82-96). Routledge.
4. Ronchi, E., Nilsson, D., Lovreglio, R., Register, M., & Marshall, K., 2021, The Impact of Physical Distancing on the Evacuation of Crowds. In Crowd Dynamics, Volume 3 (pp. 133-156). Birkhäuser, Cham.
3. Ballerini, Lucia, et al. 2020, Retinal Biomarkers Discovery for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in an Older Population. Proceeding of the Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-52791-4_31
2. Lovreglio R., Dias C., Song X., Ballerini L., 2017, Towards Microscopic Calibration of Pedestrian Simulation Models using Open Trajectory Datasets: the Case Study of the Edinburgh Informatics Forum, Traffic and Granular Flow '17, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11440-4_25
1. Rahouti A., Lovreglio. R., et al., 2017, Simulating Assisted Evacuation using a Game Engine, Traffic and Granular Flow '17, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11440-4_30
Conference Papers:
33. Radman, K., Jelodar, M. B., Lovreglio, R., Wilkinson, S., & Ghazizadeh, E. 2022, Design and Analysis of the Real-Time Progress Tracking System: A Practical Case Study, CIB 2022, Melbourne, Australia
32. Naraghiaraghi N., Feng Z., Lovreglio R., Wilkinoson S., 2022, Combining BIM and VR for future earthquake damage assessment training tools, CIB 2022, Melbourne, Australia
31. Feng Z., Liu C, Gonzalez V, Lovreglio R., Nilsson D., 2022, Prototyping an immersive virtual reality training application for urban-scale evacuation using 360-degree panoramas, CIB 2022, Melbourne, Australia
30. Radman, K., Jelodar, M. B., Lovreglio, R., Wilkinson, S., & Ghazizadeh, E. 2022, . Real-Time Project Productivity Tracking System: Practical Case in Smart Construction Projects. 7th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium, Aucklnad NZ
29. Kuligowski E, Zhao X, Lovreglio R, Xu N, Yang K, Westbury A, Nilsson D, 2022, Evacuation Behaviour in Peri-urban Fires: A case study of the 2019 Kincade fire in California, US. IAWF Fire and Climate Conference, Melbourne, Australia
28. Zhao X., Kuligowski E., Lovreglio R, et al. 2021, Analyzing Wildfire Evacuation Behavior Using Big and Small Data: A Case Study of the 2019 Kincade Fire, 16th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit & 6th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Virtual Conference, Online
27. Kuligowski E, Wallpole E., Lovreglio R, 2021, Risk Perception and Evacuation Decisions in the 2016 Chimney Tops 2 fire in Gatlinburg, TN, 16th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit & 6th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Virtual Conference, Online
26. Santoro S, Totaro V, Lovreglio R, Camarda D, Iacobellis V,and Fratino U, 2021, An integrated approach for investigating flood risk perception inurban areas: some hints from the city of Brindisi (southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021
25. Kuligowski, E.D., Walpole, E.H., Lovreglio, R., & McCaffrey, S. 2020, Modeling Evacuation Decision-making in the 2016 Chimney Tops 2 Fire in Gatlinburg, TN, International Journal of Wildland Fire
24. Lovreglio R., 2020, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Human Behaviour in Disasters: A Review, Fire and Evacuation Modeling Technical Conference (FEMTC) 2020, Online
23. Lovreglio R., 2019, Virtual and augmented reality for human behaviour in disasters, 1st SACEE Conference, Karachi, Pakistan
22. Rehman A., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Zhang T., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Naismith N., Doan D., Tookey J., Lovreglio R., 2018, A Review: Harnessing Immersive Technologies Prowess for Autonomous Vehicles, 18th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR2018), Auckland, New Zealand
21. Bosco D., Lovreglio R., Frassoldati A., Derudi M., Borghetti F., 2018, Queue formation and evacuation modeling in road tunnels, CISAP 8, Milan, Italy
20. Rahouti A., Lovreglio R., Jackson P., Datoussaïd S., 2018, Evacuation Data from a Hospital Outpatient Drill: The Case Study of the North Shore Hospital, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2018, Lund, Sweden
19. Lovreglio, R., 2018, A Review of Augmented Reality Applications for Building Evacuation, 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE 2018, Tampere, Finland
18. Zhang T., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Naismith N., Rehman A., Lovreglio R., Doan D., Nwadigo O., Tookey J., 2018, Establishing a Knowledge-Base System (KBS) for Post-Construction Building Facility Maintenance, 4th NZAAR International Event Series on Natural and Built Environment, Cities, Sustainability and Advanced Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17. Zhang T., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Ghaffarianhoseini A., Naismith N., Rehman A., Lovreglio R., Doan D., Nwadigo O., Tookey J., 2018, Developing an EEG-based Building Management System to Enhance Built Environment Accessibility for Disabled Users, 4th NZAAR International Event Series on Natural and Built Environment, Cities, Sustainability and Advanced Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
16. Lovreglio R., Claraidge E., Jackson P., 2017, The status quo of computer evacuation modelling in New Zealand, FireNZ 2017, Auckland, New Zealand
15. Ballerini L., McGrory S., Lovreglio R., et al., 2017, Quantitative Measurements of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces in the Brain are associated with Retinal Microvascular Parameters, International Conference on Medical Imaging Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2017), Edinburgh, UK
14. Lovreglio R., Gonzalez V., Amor R., Spearpoint M., Thomas J., Trotter M., and Sacks R., 2017, The Need for Enhancing Earthquake Evacuee Safety by Using Virtual Reality Serious Games, Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC3) 2017
13. Ballerini L., McGrory S., Lovreglio R., et al., 2017, Quantitative Measurements of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces in the Brain are associated with Retinal Microvascular Parameters, SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting, Glasgow, 2017
12. Rahouti A., Datoussaïd S., Lovreglio R., A sensitivity analysis of a hospital evacuation in case of fire: the impact of the percentage of people with reduced mobility and the staff to occupant’s ratio, Fire and Evacuation Modelling Technical Conference (FEMTC) 2016, Torremolinos, Spain, 16-18 November 2016
11. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdes Hernandez M. C., Gonzalez-Castro V., Munoz Maniega S., Pellegrini E., Bastin M. E., Deary I. J., Wardlaw J. M., Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces, CCACE Research Day, Edinburgh, UK, 6th September 2016
10. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdes Hernandez M. C., Gonzalez-Castro V., Munoz Maniega S., Pellegrini E., Bastin M. E., Deary I. J., Wardlaw J. M., Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces, 20th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2016), Loughborough, UK, 6-8 July 2016
9. Carattin E., Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2016, Affordance-Based Evaluation of Signage Design for Areas of Refuge, Interflam 2016, Nr Windsor, UK, 4-6 July 2016
8. Gwynne S.M.V., Boyce K.E., Kuligowski E.D., Nilsson D., Robbins A., Lovreglio R., 2016, Pros and Cons of Egress Drills, Interflam 2016, Nr Windsor, UK, 4-6 July 2016
7. Ballerini L., Lovreglio R., Valdes Hernandez M. C., Gonzalez-Castro V., Munoz Maniega S., Pellegrini E., Bastin M. E., Deary I. J., Wardlaw J. M., Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces, SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting, Stirling, UK, 17 June 2016
6. Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Nilsson D., 2015, A Mixed-Ordered Approach to Investigate Correlations Among Different Affordances in Fire Evacuation, 6th Human Behaviour in Fire Symposium , Cambridge, UK
5. Lovreglio R., Borri D., Ronchi E., Fonzone A., dell'Olio, L., 2015, The need of latent variables for modelling decision-making in evacuation simulations, IX International Workshop on Planning and Evaluation, Bari, Italy, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4521.7684
4. Mayeux A., Lovreglio R., Saleh W., Fonzone A., 2015, Illegal pedestrian crossing at signalised junctions in urban areas: The impact of spatial factors, TRB 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1534.7520
3. Lovreglio R., 2014, Data-Collection Approaches for the Study of the Decision-Making Process in Fire Evacuations, 1st SCORE@POLIBA Workshop, Bari, Italy, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1853.0884
2. Lovreglio R., Fonzone A., dell'Olio L., Borri D., Ibeas A., 2014, The Role of Herding Behaviour in Exit Choice During Evacuation, 11th Transport Engineering Conference (CIT 2014) , Santander, Spain, 9 -11 June 2014
1. Lovreglio R., Borri D., Dell’Olio L., Ibeas A., Camarda D, 2013 . Planning exit choices during emergency situations: A random-utility approach, 8th International Workshop on Planning and Evaluation, Groningen, Nederland, 13–15 March 2013
Lovreglio R., 2016, Modelling Decision-Making in Fire Evacuation based on the Random Utility Theory, PhD Thesis, Politecnico di Bari, Milan and Turin (Italy), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1695.5281/1
Lovreglio R., 2013, An integrated model for the optimization of tunnel design: the Condo' tunnel in the ring road of Lecce, Italy, Master Thesis, Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Lovreglio R., 2010, Characterization of a landslide collapse in the face of the rock (Maratea,PZ), Bachelor Thesis, Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Technical Reports:
Lovreglio R., Ronchi E., Colonna P., Berloco B., 2012, Sensitivity analysis tools for road tunnel fire evacuation based on FDS+Evac, Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Articles for Public Engagement
Fonzone A., Lovreglio R., Modern buildings have an alarming flaw when people need to escape quickly, The Conversation, 10/03/2016 (link)